Last Ocean Film Credits

Directed & Filmed by Peter Young

Written by Richard Langston, Peter Young

Narrated by Peter Elliott

Edited by Jonno Woodford-Robinson & Richard Lord

Original Music Composed by Plan 9, David Donaldson, Janet Roddick and Steve Roche

Sound Design Chris Sinclair

Produced by Peter Young

Executive Producers Dave Gibson, Richard Fletcher, Paul Davis

Co-Producers Tracy Roe, Mary Wall

Associate Producers John B. Weller, Erich Hoyt, Emma Robinson, Jonno Woodford-Robinson

Executive for Prime Television Kathy Wright

Additional Camera Jeffrey Cunningham, Scott Behrnes, Ralph Maestas, James Ellis, Jacob Bryant, Richard Williams, Mike Nelson, Matt Tuffin, Jeff Aldridge, Dan Watson, Logan McMillan, Ian Gaffney, Grant Ballard, Lloyd Fales

Photographs John B. Weller, Doug Allan, United States Air Force, NASA, Rob Robbins, Christina Cheng, Paul A Cziko

Sound Rob Eade, Nigel Gordon-Crosby, Tony Spier, Hammond Peek, Paul Skelton, Peter Crockers, Caleb Doherty, Seth Moherman, Dale Nelson

Assistant Editor Jen Metcalfe

Production Manager Elizabeth Koroivulaono

Fixers Jie-hyun Park (Korea), Toshiko Shiozaki (Japan)

Researchers Cassandra Brooks, Mary-Jo Tohill

Titles and Graphics Jason Bowden

Poster Concept & Design Ken Double, John Fisher

Calligraphy Adele Jackson

Picture Service Park Road Post Production, Wellington, New Zealand
Cameron Harland General Manager, Vicki Jackways Head of Marketing, Dean Watkins Head of Production, Emma Bartlett Producer, Matthew Wear Colourist, Victoria Chu Taperoom Supervisor

Online Conform Jonno Woodford-Robinson, Jen Metcalfe

Compositing Richard Lord, Jen Metcalfe

Stock Footage provided courtesy of NHNZ Moving Images, Penguin Science, Greenpeace, National Science Foundation, UCLA Film and Television Archive,
Tsehai Tiffen, Richard Sidey, Jose Ricardo Rodriguez Montero, Heritage Expeditions, Anthony Powell, T3Media tve – Television Trust for the Environment, Weddel seal footage obtained by Mary Lynn Price under NMFS Permit No. 1032-1971, Walker Smith, International Antarctic Centre, Christchurch

Archival audio courtesy of Radio New Zealand National and Sound Archives Nga Taonga Korero

Narration record Nigel Foster, Sale Street Studios

Publicist Niki Schuck

Legal Matt Emery, Emery Legal

Special Thanks to
My children William, Nina, Matai and Harper Young. May you be left the “Last Ocean”

Dave Ainely, John Weller, Cassandra Brooks, Jim Barnes, Audrey Young Mike White
Steve, the team at Logan Brown, North & South Magazine, John McCrystal, Lloyd Fales, Bryan Cole, Camille Seaman, Walker Smith, Miranda Harcourt, Chris Hampson, Jo Sarsby, Jude McLaren – Gibson Group, David Paul – Camera Works, Caroline Cook, Olly Rudd, Max Quinn, Bobby Cox, Spider Nathaniel Scripture, Nikki Macdonald, Emma Smith, Mike Hyde, Adrienne Anderson, Rodney Russ, Doug Allan, Julian Vares
Heritage Expeditions Alex Rogers, Richard Page, Claire Christian, Andi Pearl, Costa Botes, Donald B Sniff, Joseph Vaina, Rodolfo Werner, Silvia Olhastroni, Simon Thrush, Stuart Tormey, Sukhyun Park, Steve Campbell, Ollie Langridge, Blair Palese, Kevin Metcalfe, Tobias Aguirre Fish Wise, Anthony Powell, Jamie Selkirk
Tsehai Tiffen, Richard Sidey, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Rieko Woodford-Robinson, Stefan & Elizabeth Töpfer, Louise Baker

Thanks to the Last Ocean Charitable Trust Working Group
Peter Wilson, David Barker, Shirley Russ, Michael and Kate Sidey, Peter and Jane Wardell, Ben and Penny Gough, Kate Beer, Jude Sutherland, Ange Davidson, Elizabeth Koroivulaono, Gerard Smyth, Janine Morrell-Gunn, Nicola Toki, Scott Behrnes, Stephen Dalley, Sue Stubenvoll, Tracy Roe

Thanks to the Interviewees
Barry Weeber, Dr. Ben Halpern, Bill Manhire, Carolyn Schwalger, Cassandra Brooks Casson Trenor, Cath Wallace, Charles Clover, Assoc.Prof Clive Evans, Dave Dobbyn Dr Daniel Pauly, Dr David Agnew, Dr David Ainley, Dr Denzil Miller, Doug Allan, Eric Ripert, Erich Hoyt, Evan Bloom, Dr Grant Ballard, Greg Johansson, Jie Hyun Park, James Barnes, Professor Joseph T. Eastman, John Weller, Kevin Banaghan, Mike White, Hon. Murray McCully, Peter Bodeker, Dr Peter Wilson, Phil Gibson
Shannon McDiarmid, Dr Stacy Kim, Assoc Prof. Stephen Ackley,Dr Stuart Hanchet, Stuart Prior, Dr Susan Lieberman, Dr Sylvia Earle

Last Ocean Original Music
Written and performed by Plan 9
David Donaldson, Janet Roddick and Steve Roche
Published by Native Tongue Music Publishing

Last Ocean Lament
Written and performed by D. Dobbyn
Used with permission from Native Tongue Music Publishing
Courtesy of Dobworld